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Editorial board

Barnabás Virág
Deputy Governor, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Hungary
Dániel Palotai
Executive Director, International Monetary Fund, USA
Tamás Bánfi
CSc, DSc
Professor Emeritus, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
András Bethlendi
Associate Professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Péter Csóka
PhD, Dr. habil.
Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Péter Halmai
CSc, DSc
Ordinary Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Professor of Economics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Professor of Economics, University of Public Service, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Gábor Hamza
CSc, DSc
Ordinary Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Professor Emeritus, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Professor, National University of Public Service, Hungary
Honorary Member, Turkish Academy of Sciences, Turkey
MTMT, Scopus
David R. Henderson
Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, USA
Emeritus Professor of Economics, Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, USA
Hubert János Kiss
PhD, Dr. habil
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungary
Associate Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
György Kocziszky
Ph.D., CSc
Rector, Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Pál Péter Kolozsi
Director, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Hungary
Associate Professor, John von Neumann University, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Levente Kovács
Ph.D., Dr. habil.
Secretary General, Hungarian Banking Association, Hungary
Professor, University of Miskolc, Hungary
Head of the Editorial Board, Economy and Finance (Gazdaság és Pénzügy), Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Csaba Lentner
Dr. habil., CSc
Professor and Head of Lab, University of Public Service, Hungary
Professor and Head of Department, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Dietmar Meyer
Ph.D., CSc
Professor Emeritus, Andrássy University, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Koppány Nagy Director, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Hungary
András Nemeslaki
Professor and Head of Department, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Gábor P. Kiss Head of Department, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Anett Pandurics
Head of the Editorial Board, Insurance and Risk (Biztosítás és Kockázat), Hungary
Péter Sasvári
Ph.D., Dr. habil.
Associate Professor, University of Public Service, Hungary
Associate Professor, University of Miskolc, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus
Róbert Szegedi Senior Economic Expert, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Hungary
Eyal Winter
Silverzweig Professor of Economics, The Hebrew University, Israel
Andrews and Brunner Professor of Economics, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Zoltán Zéman
Phd, Dr. habil.
Professor, John von Neumann University, Hungary
MTMT, Scopus


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