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Dear Reader,

Welcome to our website! The Financial and Economic Review, edited and published by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (the Central bank of Hungary), has become one of the most widely read economic and financial academic journals in Hungary, with a large readership also abroad, following a significant renewal of its content and format in recent years. Our quarterly journal is published in Hungarian and English and is rated B in the fields of economics and regional studies and C in the field of demography by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Our articles in English and Hungarian are included in the systems of MTMT and Matarka, in the REAL repository and in the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system, and our English articles are also listed in IDEAS/RePEc and ProQuest. We also publish an annual Chinese-language selection volume.

Our aim is to provide an opportunity for researchers, academics, lecturers, policy- and decision-makers who build on the foundations of both theoretical and practical economics, understanding the constantly changing economic processes, and analysing the economic and financial situation and performance of the East and Central European region. The journal is open exclusively to submissions for first publication of studies, essays, feature articles, book reviews and conference reports in the field of social sciences, including economics, finance in the broad sense (credit institutions, insurance and capital markets), management and organisation, and their boundaries of science.

Statistics for 2023 of our peer reviewed content:

  • Publication rate: 56.8%
  • Average publication time: 147 days 

We would be pleased to receive your questions and feedback concerning our journal, articles and website. We wish you a pleasant reading!



Financial and Economic Review, Vol. 23 Issue 3, September 2024


How Finance and Firms Can Accelerate the Green Transitions
Ralph De Haas
Our Vision (Essay), pp. 5-17.

Spatial Distribution of Hungarian Innovation-Driven Enterprises
Mihály Szoboszlai
Study, pp. 18-42.

Innovation-Driven Enterprises in Hungary: Empirical Results at First Sight
Stefan Kovács - András Nemeslaki
Study, pp. 43-70.

Main Impacts of the Introduction of IFRS 17 on the Hungarian Insurance Sector
Zsófia Szikráné Lindner - Beatrix Dénes - Gabriella Kosztik - Gabriella Merész - Mária Somogyvári Sándorné
Study, pp. 71-98.

Payment Habits and Instant Payment Systems in the V4 Countries
Péter Antal - Cserne Panka Póta - Patrícia Becsky-Nagy
Study, pp. 99-116.

The Effect of Seasonal Depression on Stock Market Returns
Virág Kégl - Dóra Gréta Petróczy
Study, pp. 117-139.

The Impact of Trust-Building Leadership Behaviour at Selected Organisations in the Financial Sector
Emőke Nyéki - Márta Juhász
Study, pp. 140-170.

Compliance as Business Development Potential in the Credit Institution Sector
Andrea Pelei - Ferenc Bognár - Petra Benedek
Essay, pp. 171-192.

Experiences from the MNB's Green Preferential Capital Requirement Programme and the Extension of the Programme
Donát Kim - Eszter Raciborski - Bálint Várgedő
Feature article - Challenges of the 21st century, pp. 193-209.

The Role of Financial Information in European Banking Regulation - The Past, Present and Future of FINREP
Éva Kissné Ladányi
Feature article - Challenges of the 21st century, pp. 210-218.

The Historical Development of Economic and Financial Theories and Strategies (Beáta Farkas: A közgazdasági gondolkodás rövid története (A Brief History of Economic Thought))
István Kőrösi
Book review, pp. 219-226.

The Future of the Economic and Monetary Union (Péter Halmai (ed.): A Gazdasági és Monetáris Unió jövője - Európai perspektívák (The Future of the Economic and Monetary Union - European Perspectives))
Antal Gálfi
Book review, pp. 227-231.

Sustainability from a Finance Perspective (György Kocziszky (ed.): A jövő fenntarthatósága - A fenntarthatóság jövője (Sustainable Future - The Future of Sustainability))
Kinga Szabó
Book review, pp. 232-237.

Flow Experience in the Organisational Culture (Andor Czinege: A szárnyaló szervezet - Hogyan teremtsd meg a flow-t a cégedben? (The Soaring Organisation - How to Create Flow in Your Company?))
Éva Kovácsné Laczkó
Book review, pp. 238-240.


Central Bank of Hungary 
H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
Publisher in charge: Eszter Hergár 
ISSN 2415–9271 (Print)
ISSN 2415–928X (Online)
Phone: +36-1-428-2600
Fax: +36-1-429-8000


Financial and Economic Review (FER):


H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.

Phone: +36-1-428-2600

Fax: +36-1-429-8000

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